Mothers should occasionally enjoy a short vacation alone, says a psychologist

Being a mother and a homemaker is a full-time job, which includes doing the laundry, housecleaning, shopping; and assisting one's children both at home and in all their activities and appointments.
Nowadays, this type of family menage is a little less common because often both parents are working outside the home. In any case, even when both mom and dad have to go to the office, most of the tasks of caring for the children still concern predominantly the mother.
Whether they are working mothers or full-time homemakers, psychologists agree that not only should they, from time to time take a break, but that indeed, they must take a break.

A break from the "most beautiful and difficult job in the world" is good not only for women who are homemakers but also for the whole family.
A small break from the usual routine of daily commitments is regenerating, so that on one's return one will be a better mother and wife, well-rested, more patient, and grateful for what one has.
However, perhaps, not everyone has the time, the possibility or the resources to afford a real vacation, so here are some suggestions to help reduce the stress:

- Going on vacation is possible, just make a plan: Getting away from the daily routine is not only possible but actually necessary. The secret is to plan everything a little in "advance", organizing one's agenda in agreement with one's partner and putting aside money for a short and well-deserved vacation.
- Doing household chores on alternating days: The world will not end if you do not wash the dishes or if you do not do the laundry every single day. Fixing the days dedicated to household duties and those designated for rest is essential for one's psycho-physical health.
- One free morning a week. If for a mother, the weekends are now only a memory, one can give oneself a free morning any day of the week, to go shopping, go to the beautician, take a class, or read a good book.
- Have at least one day a month totally "free". As a parent, one never stops, between housework, errands, and planning everything, so it is essential to stop and recharge your batteries, unwind, and think a little about one's self.
In conclusion, every mother and every father should never neglect her or his personal well-being for too long. Do not be ashamed to reclaim one's space, perhaps asking for support from grandparents or other relatives because after all ... it is being done for the welfare of your children!