Hard-up mother cannot buy a toy for her son: Reddit users donate their used toys to him

Parenting is never easy, despite it being one of the most satisfying "full-time" jobs one can have. It is an occupation that requires a lot of love and a lot of attention for your child. There is, however, always a precarious balance between being able to please a child with everything they need or want, but, at the same time, trying to save money where necessary and make it to the end of the month in the black. The reality of poor or low-income parents is justifiably an area for concern and focus, and the story we are about to tell you is about a mother in difficulty, but which has a very moving ending.
via Sunny Skyz

The mother, who is the subject of this story, wanted to share the story of her experience with her son on Reddit. On a special interest group, she poured out her sadness and called on users for consolation, advice and help. Her 4-year-old son so much wanted to get a specific stuffed animal toy. Problem was that that particular toy cost a lot and the woman didn't have any extra money to buy it for him. So, in order not to upset her little one, she had a brilliant idea: she took an old blue blanket, used a needle and thread and stitched up a cute soft toy that looked similar to the one which the four-year-old boy wanted so much. Once complete, she published a photograph of her "poor man's toy" creation on Reddit.
She had no idea that tens of thousands of users would not only end up supporting this mother's brilliant idea to make her son happy at almost zero cost, but that they would also act in solidarity to donate toys they no longer used to the child of this woman in need!

After a little while, dozens of soft toys arrived at the mother's home for her son - generously donated by many of the Reddit users who had read the story of this mother's financial difficulty with attention and emotion. These kind donors just wanted to help out a woman in need and also to put a smile on her son's face. In an update to Reddit, the grateful mom wanted to thank everyone for their charity: "Look what you've done for my baby. You're all great. Thank you for making a mom, who fought hell for her kids, feel loved instead of just exhausted and defeated. I don't have the words to let you know how grateful I am for everything that you all did for me and my son! "
You can see the video below in which the happy child is playing surrounded by his new soft toys: