Mom runs out of milk for her baby girl in the middle of the night: two policemen buy formula for her (+ VIDEO)

Although breastfeeding is natural for every woman, there are some mothers that, for medical reasons, cannot produce enough milk and have to rely on baby formula. Shannon Bird, a mom of 5 living in Utah (USA), has never had a problem with milk production, yet she had to ask for help in the middle of the night because her six-week-old baby was crying and suddenly she couldn't produced any more - not a single drop of milk. She didn't even have any formula in the house and her husband was out of town. Panicked, the woman dialed the national emergency number. Fortunately, a kindly policeman answered her call.
via CNN
At 2:12am in the morning, Shannon's baby started crying nonstop, hungry and very ready for her night feeding. For some inexplicable reason, though, Shannon realized she was not producing any milk at the time - something that had never happened to her with any of her previous children. After a few minutes, Shannon realized that she did not even have a supply of baby formula in the house, with which she could appease the hunger and the cries of her daughter: a real disaster. The woman, at that moment, did not know what to do as her husband was away from home on business and her other children were sleeping. Her neighbors didn't answer her phone calls, so the only solution she came up with was to ask the police for help.

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo
Officers Brett Wagstaff and Konner Gabbitas took charge of the request for help, but when reading the note that the emergency was a milk shortage, they went to buy a liter of regular milk at a convenience store and showed up at Shannon's house with it. Unfortunately, babies cannot have cow's milk, which is not very nutritious for them, but they need a specific type of milk. At this point, however, Shannon thought she would go out and buy formula if the police stayed to watch over her children who were home alone, but something better happened. The two officers offered to go and buy the formula themselves, and then return to deliver it to her.
"It's the same kind of milk we gave my daughter when she was first born, so let's hope it doesn't upset this little one's stomach too much," Officer Wagstaff, a father of three, told Shannon once he returned to the home of the desperate mother with the formula. Shannon thanked these "two angels" in uniform, without whom she would have been in a real pickle. Well done to these police officers!