Bus driver doesn't know the route and gets lost: it was his first day on the job

One unavoidable thing in life - for most of us - is having to go to work: sooner or later, we all need to earn our keep and get a job. And, of course, every new job has its first day.
And on the first day of a new job, it is natural to hope that everything will go well. Sometimes, however, the exact opposite happens.

Wallpaperflare - Not the actual photo
Telling this story is Angie Gomez and no, this is not about her first day of work. Angie was on the bus that she regularly uses to get around. Initially, there didn't seem to be anything unusual about her trip.
But then Angie began to notice something was amiss: the streets, buildings and shops that the bus was passing by were not the usual ones. A general murmuring started among the other passengers as they realised something was not right.
In fact, Angie, and everyone else on the bus, realised that the vehicle was not following its usual route.

Spielvogel/Wikimedia Commons - CC0 1.0
Eventually, one of the passengers decided to speak directly to the driver to try to understand what was happening and where they were going!
But the answer the driver gave was not very comforting: "I think I'm lost and I have no idea where we are," he said. It turned out that this was the first day on the job for the driver and he didn't know the route the bus should take.
The passengers immediately jumped in and helped direct the driver back to the correct route. "Turn right here, then turn left", the passengers called out to the driver in unison.
No one berated the driver and everyone seemed happy to help him out. This just shows that, with a bit of support from our fellow man, we can all get back on the right path - in this case, literally!