Teenager wins a large sum of money, but is forced to keep it secret for a year

Keeping a secret is always a challenge, especially if cash is involved. One is sorely tempted to share one's joy with friends, family, colleagues and, at the same time, to splash out and treat oneself to some luxuries one previously couldn't afford.
It takes an iron will to stay silent and keep a secret like this for days, months or even years.
via Ladbible
Thanks to a British quiz show called The 1% Club, young Daniel O'Halloran made his dream come true by winning a whopping $99,000 cash prize. The show in which he participated consists of being asked questions and competing against 100 other people. As you progress through the game, the questions get more and more difficult, and contestants are slowly eliminated. Each person gets $1,000 which is then added to the pool when they get a question wrong and are eliminated.
Contestants keep going in the manner until 99 of them have been eliminated - leaving the "last man standing" as the winner (hence, the name of the show). This is the challenge Daniel faced, and he managed to win the top prize - $99,000.
The show was filmed long before it aired, which is why the winner, Daniel, was not allowed reveal his big secret. Daniel kept his secret until the day when the show was eventually broadcast - almost a year later.
Of course, Daniel's family were stunned by the prize that Daniel had won - and were very happy for him. Money can't by happiness, but - let's face it - it certainly helps!