A photo of a little girl hides a disturbing detail: years later, the mystery is revealed

When you go on vacation, take a trip, organize a special event that you want to remain etched in your mind, the first thing leaps to mind is to take some pictures. Photography is one of the most impactful inventions ever and is a wonderful means to immortalize special moments in our lives.
But some photos capture details that we may not have noticed at the time of taking them. In fact, some photos like this - with hidden details - can be downright spooky. The photo that we want to show you here are of this ilk.
via Reddit

These photos belong to a Reddit user who shared them in 2014 to highlight and discuss a very disturbing detail present in one of them.
"My friend Martin Springall took these photos of his daughter in Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan," the author of the post explained. "I'm intrigued by them and would like some feedback from you all. I blurred the little girl's face for obvious reasons," the poster stated.
This initial explanation was then followed by the shots taken of the little girl.

Five snapshots were taken in the space of about two minutes. The little girl is running around on a cliff, 50 kilometers from Tokyo, smiling and looking into the camera.
The poster also stressed that there were no other people around, but a very disturbing detail still emerged in one of the photos. Look carefully at the next image.

It's in this photo that there's something strange, a detail that seems to defy explaination. Can you see it?
Considering that it was a time of the year when it was not hot, one wouldn't expect to see a pair of boots. And this pair of boots seem to be almost suspended in thin air.
If struggling to find them in the photo, read on:

And there they are. Quite well "hidden" but just visible just behind the little girl's legs. But whose boots are they? Many have hypothesized that due to the style and shape of the boots/shoes, they belong to a samurai, coming to the conclusion that it was the ghost of Katagiri Katsumoto, who lived near Tokoyo in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. But, in reality, the explanation is simpler.
After years of speculation, it has been determined that the boots are not supernatural at all. It's just a matter of altered perspective. In fact, there actually is a person behind the little girl and the sloping terrain (and other factors) created an optical illusion - and the camera did the rest.
Unfortunately, then, "ghost hunters" are going to have to look elsewhere for proof of the existance of the supernatural realm.