Use this hack to clean tile grouting without using too much effort or chemical detergents

If you love DIY and you love a sparkling clean home... you must read this article!
Let's face it, cleaning isn't exactly fun. However, the satisfaction that comes from living in a clean and fragrant environment makes cleaning efforts worth while. Here, we want to offer you some advice on how to make your floors sparkle. Tired of those "black lines" that form between one tile and another? So let's see how we can fix this:
via Takprosto

Unfortunately, no matter how often or how well you clean, it's inevitable - over the years - that dirt will accumulate in certain places in your home. One of the common places this happens is the floor.
To be precise, the joints between floor tiles trap dirt and turn black over time. Well, there is a way to deal with this and it's easier than you might think!

Whether this dirt is grease, limescal or something else, don't fret: you just need to get your hands on these few, completely natural ingredients to deal with the problem. Let's get started right away...
Get some baking soda, a lemon, white vinegar, a brush, sponges and a bowl. You will also need some water to mix everything together. No chemicals are required and you won't have to spend hours obsessively scrubbing every square inch of your floors.
So let's see how to mix these ingredients properly and which technique to use in order do this cleaning chore properly.

Start by putting about two tablespoons of baking soda in the bowl and then adding 250 ml of water. Then slowly add some lemon juice: a foam will form, so proceed slowly. Once this is done, you just have to pour in 250 ml of white vinegar, mix well and wait a few seconds to be sure that each element has finished its "reaction".
Now, apply this "mixture" to the joints between the tiles using a sponge. After having put the mixture down, wait about 30 minutes for it to take effect.
Now for the last step: equip yourself with a stiff bristled brush and start scrubbing the joints carefully: as if by magic, the dirt will be removed! When finished, rinse off and dry and you're done. Easy, no?