A mother publishes a drawing her daughter drew online: users point out a disturbing detail

by Mark Bennett

August 02, 2023

A mother publishes a drawing her daughter drew online: users point out a disturbing detail

Children are generally regarded as "innocent," meaning that they are open, frank and honest about what they say and do. Children are not yet aware of some of the darker realities of life and that's a good thing. However, their naivety could end up putting them in serious danger.

For this reason, a healthy and proper education is essential for kids to grow up healthy and safe. In the story that we are about to tell you about here, an entire family was shocked by a drawing their little girl made. Why? Well, let's check out this story in detail:  

via Sdpnoticias

Visual test

Visual test


Perhaps by carefully studying this drawing, what happened later could have been prevented. But when should a child's imagination (and drawings) set off red flags? But let's start from the top:

A certain mother liked the drawings her daughter drew: after all, what mother wouldn't? This mother also did not hesitate to publish the drawings online, receiving many compliments from friends and relatives, but also from strangers. Everyone agreed that the little girl had a real talent for drawing and that she should be encouraged to keep doing so.

Then, one day the mother uploaded a drawing that caused a panic. Take a look at the drawing yourself. Do you see anything disquietening? What do you think could have been the reason for the panic?


The answer

The answer


What shocked so many people was a dark figure - almost entirely in black - the little girl had put in the drawing. Apparently, the person she drew was a man with short, brown-reddish hair.

In fact, the figure is not a member of the family: the entire, merry family is shown sitting at the table having dinner. The drawing shows all four family members sitting at the table.

So who is the stranger? And why was he drawn almost completely "in black"? Even the position his legs are bent is strange...



If you thought that the mysterious man could have something to do with being the girl's imaginary friend or that he is a character from one of her recurring nightmares (the classic "man in black"), then you are wrong. Very wrong...

The first to notice something strange was going on was the little girl's brother: even though they slept in separate rooms, he heard her whispering "to herself" in the middle of the night. And this was before the mother posted the drawing online.

Heeding the warnings they received online, the girl's parents investigated and found candy wrappers in their daughter's room. The problem was that they hadn't bought these candies, much less given them to their daughter. One evening, the girl's brother had decided to "hide" behind the door in his little sister's room and waited for the whispering to start.

As soon as he heard the whispering start, he jumped out from behind the door and discovered the horrifying truth: a man completely cloaked in black and with red hair was whispering to his little sister through the open bedroom window. Seeing the girl's brother jump out, the man fled. On the ground, he dropped some sweets while escapeìing. The wrappings were the same type found by the family earlier.

NB: this story is purely fictional. However, childrens' drawings like the one shown here do exist and can really hide fears, insecurities and anxieties in kids that are best addressed by a child psychologist.


