Find the "odd letter out" in the shortest possible time in this visual challenge

On the internet, there are tons of brain-teasers that are a fun way to test ourselves. Challenging yourself with these keeps your mind sharp. One type of these brain-teasers involves scrutinizing an image to find something anomalous, as sort of "odd man out".
In the image we have posted here, you need to find the letter that does not fit as quickly as possible. How quickly will you be able to do this? If you're ready, start looking for the one and only Y among the many Xs in the image.
Find the Y in the least amount of time...

Multiple rows, columns and colors in the image will distract you, which is why only those with very keen eyesight will be able to find the Y quickly. Doing challenges like these daily will help you to solve other problems in life more easily - after all, practice makes perfect! In this challenge, there is no set time within which to find the Y, but we ask you to time yourself. Of course, the shorter the time, the greater your satisfaction will be.
So, jump in and give it a try!
Here is the solution...

Hidden in the "sea" of X's, there is a single Y: finding this Y is the goal of this challenge. Everyone has their own way of going about this task and we cannot say which one is best. How are you doing? Have you found the Y yet?
Whatever the answer, we are about to give you the solution, so if you want more time, stop reading here for now.
If not, we can reveal that the Y is hidden in column 3, row 11. Did you find it before seeing the solution? Let us know how quickly you solved this challenge!