Bride pretends to read her wedding vows: instead, she recites a torrid text messages exchange

When you take the step of getting married, it means that you are absolutely certain about your partner. Getting married is the symbolic culmination of a perfect love story. At least, it is in theory.
This young couple had a very bizarre wedding and only the future bride knew what was going to happen. Read on to find out more:
via Ponichka

Niall Cook/Flickr - Not the actual photo
The name of the bride in question is Casey and she wanted nothing more than to marry Alex, the love of her life. Her dream was to be Alex's bride and wife.
However things didn't quite go to plan. The night before the wedding, the bride and groom were at a luxury hotel celebrating with their respective closest friends.
Everything seemed perfect until Casey's phone started vibrating. She had received a message: "I wouldn't marry him if I were you," the message read.

freepic.diller/Freepik - Not the actual photo
Casey then started receiving a flood of messages to her phone, which she read with a sinking heart.
The messages were flirtatious exchanges between Alex and another woman and they kept coming. Casey's friends were stunned: Alex clearly had a lover. And the mystery woman was urging Alex not to marry Casey.
The messages proved that Alex had been cheating on Casey for more than 6 years. But despite this crushing blow, Casey decided not to cancel the wedding - she now had a plan.
On the wedding day, Casey stiffly walked down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress. As soon as she reached the groom, she pulled out a long piece of paper - but it wasn't her marriage vows: Casey then started reading aloud every single message she had received the previous night between Alex and his lover and had printed out. The guests were stunned and Alex left the church in shame. What do you think of this story?