Are you an expert observer? Prove it by finding the number 823 in just 20 seconds

Trying your hand at visual tests means putting your intellect and powers of attention to the test. The goal of these types of puzzles and brain-teasers is usually to find a hidden anomaly - "an odd man out". And succeeding in this task can be very satisfying.
So are you ready to give a puzzle like this a go? In this visual brain-teaser here, you need to find the number 823 in just 20 seconds. It may be difficult to find, but don't give up. Let's go!
Find the number 823 in just 20 seconds...

If you can't find the 823 immediately, don't panic - focus, concentrate and keep looking. Visual puzzles like this are are great way to entertain ourselves and keep our observation skills sharp.
Still struggling? Take another look and don't give up.
How strong are your powers of observation?

Pixabay - Not the actual photo
What do you focus your attention on first? Colors, rows, columns - which of these details attracts you the most? A precise "detection method" does not exist and one has certainly not been scientifically proven. Following some sort of a sequence or order however, could be a good way to solve this puzzle. And this is what these puzzles try to test.
Time's up... so, let's show you where the 823 was hidden (although we're sure most of you will have found it by now).
Where is it hidden? We reveal where!

The 823 is hidden near the bottom of row 13. The exact position has been circled in red for you here.
And if you found the 823 in 20 seconds or less, this means you have excellent powers of observation. Well done!