Test yourself with this visual quiz: find the hidden number "72" among all the "77s" in just 10 seconds

Many people find themselves challenges every day, sometimes in the workplace, others in their personal lives. Pushing yourself to give your best, improve yourself, is very important to remain stimulated in life: just as our body needs constant training, our brain should also be properly trained.
Overcoming one's limits is a source of great personal satisfaction and feeling "mentally young" is a goal that many set themselves. Are you ready to put yourself to the test with this visual quiz?
Visual quiz

If you feel ready for this challenge, you can try to solve this visual quiz in just 10 seconds. But it won't be that easy: the "odd man out" is very carefully "hidden".
Probably the best strategy to adopt would be to look carefully over the rows or columns one by one rather than just hopping around, but everyone is free to use whatever method they prefer.
The challenge is to find the number "72" embedded somewhere in the sea of "77s" you see in the image below - and in just 10 seconds!
Only those with excellent visual skills will succeed in this challenge. You are ready? Good luck, set the timer… and go!

Time's up: the 10 seconds you had have passed. Were you able to locate the number "72"? If the answer is yes, congratulations! And if you did this in under 10 seconds, you have excellent observation skills.
But for those that weren't able to find the "hidden 72", we provide the answer below:
Starting from the right, count off 2 columns. Then, from the bottom, count up 8 rows on column 2. Got it? No matter how you did on this challenge, you will get more chances to succeed with the new challenges still to come!