Man invites relatives and friends to announce his wedding, but makes a shocking speech instead: the bride is shocked

A "partner for life" is what many hope to have in life: a special partner who loves them unconditionally, no matter what. Sharing everything is one of the cornerstones of any healthy relationship.
And this is a bit like what happened in the story that we are about to tell you about here: a man decided to give his future wife the most beautiful gift he could give her. Are we talking about true love? Perhaps, but the man's fiancé could never have imagined what the gift would be.
via Corriere Torino

Salvo Sottile/Facebook/Screenshot
Massimo Segre, a leading figure in Italian finance, is the subject of this surreal story - a story that will surely remain in the memories of many people. Let's see what happened and why.
It's late in the evening, the sun has already set and night has descended. In the background, the music of a professional DJ plays and there are lots of people in attendance - about 150 of them. The event is important, but it's not clear why initially.
The only certain thing is that Massimo, 63, is with his beloved companion, Cristina Seymandi, also a well-known personage amongst the upper class of Turin, Italy.
The party is in full swing and then comes the time for the "speech" - typically words dedicated to loved ones. But there's more: Massimo is to make an important announcement. Silence falls as the speech is about to be delivered and most imagine that Massimo will announce that the couple are to be wed. Or maybe not...
In the clip of the speech, Cristina is first seen thanking everyone for helping to prepare the party. Then the microphone is passed to Massimo, but his tone is more serious and tense. He reads some papers that he had prepared and, after thanking all his guests, the tension seems to ease. Nevertheless, Massimo still seems somewhat "strange".
"I'm very excited, I usually improvise my speeches and I don't need to prepare any notes. But this time, I'm afraid of making a mistake and that's why I put everything down in black and white," Massiomo begins. "I should announce to all of you that Cristina and I have plans to get married in October", he continued. At this point guests break out into applause at the news.
Massimo continued: "But then, when reflecting on it, I realized that this wasn't a blessing for Cristina, but more for me. After 3 years together and many postponements of our wedding, I wished this day would finally come. But this isn't the most suitable gift for Cristina. So what would be? I've always thought that loving a person meant putting their interests before your own and so, I want to give Cristina her freedom to find love elsewhere."
None of the guests seem to understand what Massimo means, and a defeaning silence descends on the crowd. "I want to give her the freedom to love another - a well-known lawyer - who she clearly cares about more than me," Massimo states, stunning everyone. "Don't think I like to look like a cuckhold in public, and it's not even the first time this has happened: Cristina previously had an affair with an industrialist. I reveal all this to explain why I'm ending my relationship with Cristina tonight. Dear Cristina, go to Mykonos with your lawyer lover and be happy with him". Ending the speech, Massimo thanked all his guests for their indulgence. What do you think of this shocking story?