One twin saves the other by "sending a signal" when they are still in their mother's womb

The birth of a child is a wonderful event. However, when it's twins, the happiness is doubled! And twins will have an indissoluble and unique bond between them.
The mother who is the focus of this story was over the moon to hear of her pregnancy with twins. However, bad news was just around the corner. Read on to find out more:
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The birth of twins Poppy and Winnie was considered by doctors as "a miracle". But what happened?
Leah McBride and her husband, Austin, 27, were counting down the days to delivery but at 21 weeks, the couple got some heartbreaking news.
According to the doctors, one of the twins was not going to make it... specialists advised trying to save just one of the twins. But Leah could not accept this and consulted other doctors in her desperation.
According to these other doctors, the situation was critical: it seemed that one of the twins was getting all the nutrients to the detriment of the other.
Surgeons decided to operate on Leah trying to restore "the imbalance" between the two babies. And they succeeded. Unfortunately, the couple's ordeal was not over yet: at just 27 weeks Leah's waters broke, and the twins looked like they ywould be born premature.
Once again the doctors intervened and managed, using steroids, to delay the onset of labor. At 31 weeks, Poppy's heart rate had begun to drop causing everyone to become alarmed and the doctors had to deliver both babies. Poppy, the undernourished twin was unexpectedly in perfect health. But not Winnie.
Winnie's lungs hadn't fully formed: Poppy, by slowing down her heart, had forced both herself and Winnie to be born prematurely, effectively saving her sister's life! If they hadn't been born prematurely Winnie wouldn't have survived. "It's as if she sent us a signal: her heartbeat got our attention and we acted. We think your daughter Poppy tried to save Winnie's life: it's a miracle,” the doctors had told Leah. Both girls are now in excellent health and ready to face the future together!