Find the number 23 hidden in the image: those with eagle eyes will find it in under 15 seconds

Taking care of your body is obviously important. It's normal to want to be healthy and feel good, but for for this, we also have to take care of our mental states too. Our minds, in fact, need just as much attention to stay sharp. To do this, taking on brain-teasers is useful - and fun too.
In the challenge that we offer you today, you will have to try your hand at finding the "intruder" in the image. In the sea of 25s, you need to find the single, hidden 23. Are you ready for this challenge?
Find the number 23 hidden in the picture in just 15 seconds...

If you are an already with these types of brain-teasers, then it will be very easy to solve this puzzle in just 15 seconds. The image in question shows a bunch of 25s arranged in rows and columns.
Amongst all these 25s, a single 23 hidden. Our challenge is to find it as quickly as possible.

Visual puzzles of this type are perfect for keeping ourselves entertained and our minds sharp. Our mind is like a muscle, so it needs to be trained and exercised constantly. In this way we can prevent premature aging.
But back to the challenge…how are you doing? Have you already found the 23 or are you still looking for it? In any case, we are ready to reveal the solution to you below:
We are about to reveal the solution... if you want to try again, go back to the first image

And here is the solution (23 circled in red). If you spotted the 23 in under 15 seconds, congratulations! If not, don't worry, just keep doing these puzzles and you will get better at them.
See you at the next brain-teaser challenge!