Are you able to form 4 triangles by moving only 2 matches?

Challenging your family, friends or acquaintances brain-teasers is great fun. And practice makes perfect: the more brain-teasers you attempt, the better (and quicker) you will become at solving them.
In the challenge posed below, the goal is to form four triangles (from the original two) by moving only 2 matches. Whoever succeeds at this is a true genius. Ready?
Move just two matches to make 4 triangles

Tackling brain-teasers is one way to sharpen our intellectual abilities. And doing some every day helps to keep our minds sharp. To solve this puzzle, you will need to focus and concentrate.
In this challenge, there is no time limit - you can take as long as you want. And solving this will require a bit of lateral thinking. Are you ready?

There are two main questions to ask yourself about this challenge. Firstly: which are the two matches that I have to move? And secondly: where can I place the matches to get the right answer? Once you understand the nature of the challenge, you are already on your way.
How are you doing? If you've already figured out the answer, well done! If not, don't give up and try again before looking at the solution (provided below).
The solution...

At first, this challenge may seem impossible. But there is a way. Check out the solution in given in the diagram and all will become clear.
Were you able to solve this puzzle and how long did it take you?