Find the letter F in just 10 seconds and solve this visual puzzle

Our new brain-teaser is here and we are sure you will enjoy it. Those who are aficionados, will have no problems solving this puzzle; for others, remember that practice makes perfect!
In this challenge, you need to find the single letter F hidden in a sea of Es as quickly as possible (in under 10 seconds is the goal). Ready to give this a go?
Locate the letter F in just 10 seconds and solve this puzzle

Brain-teasers like this serve multiple functions. First of all, they are fun pastimes; secondly, they are a great way to train and exercise our minds.
Anyone who is familiar with these challenges knows exactly how to go about solving them. For those who are still beginners however, just remember that the more you do, the better you will become.
But let's go back to today's challenge: how are you doing? Have you found the F yet?
Don't give up...

"More haste, less speed" the saying goes - and it's applicable here. To solve this puzzle, you need to take a deep breath, concentrate and then start the timer. Only in this way will you succeed in this challenge.
The solution is provided below, but try not to give up too quickly. Stay calm and give it you best shot.
The answer revealed

The blue cicle shows where the single F was "hiding". Did you find it in under 10 seconds?
If you had fun, the next brain-teaser is on its way!