Find the letter A amongst all the numbers and solve this visual quiz in just 15 seconds

Ready to test yourself with a new visual challenge? The observation test that we present in this article seems very easy, but only the most acute observers will be able to solve it in the set time.
Those who take on challenges like these daily know the importance of such games. They are not just a pastime, but they help us hone our concentration and our observation skills. Solving puzzles is the perfect way not to fend off boredom and keep our minds sharp
In the visual puzzle that we present below, you have to identify the only letter present amongst the many numbers in the image in just 15 seconds. Will you be able to do it? Get cracking!
Visual test: find the letter A in just 15 seconds

Ready Set Go! The challenge has begun and you only have 15 seconds. Those of you with eagle eyes will already have found the A, but don't give up if you haven't yet.
Concentrate, focus and try to find the "hidden" letter A.
Below, we provide the answer:
The answer

Giovanni Giuseppe Nicosia/Wikimedia
Did you find the hidden letter A? If you did, well done! You are excellent observers and know how to master these visual quizzes. For those that didn't you just need more practice to become as good.
The letter is on the 6th line. Scrolling from left to right, it is in the 25th column.
Did you succeed in this challenge?