Customer makes a mistake paying a delivery man: but there's a happy ending

by Mark Bennett

August 31, 2023

Customer makes a mistake paying a delivery man: but there's a happy ending

Mistakes in life happen but making mistakes is how we learn, right? But, there are mistakes and then there are mistakes…

Fortunately, in this story one man's mistake was - in the end - a source of great satisfaction for another. This is the story of a delivery man's interaction with a client - read on to find out more:

via Excelsior

📲Circula en las redes sociales Nuestro completó reconocimiento y felicitación al compañero Jose Luis Ortiz, por esta...

Pubblicato da Pescados y Mariscos BETOS su Lunedì 12 settembre 2022

José Luis is a delivery man who works for a restaurant, Betos, which sells fish and other seafood: José does home deliveries, bringing meals to the restaurant's manyy loyal customers.

This delivery job consists José going back and forth from the restaurnat to the customers' homes with their food. But on one of these deliveries, José made a mistake.


When paying for a delivery, the client paid too much for his goods and José didn't notice this mistake until much later.

Eventually, however, José realized he had too much money on him and knew a mistake had been made. Without hesitation, José went back to the client to return the money and correct the error: the client, Alex, was stunned by José's honesty. Not only did Alex thank José: he did much more.

Alex told José's boss what he had done, praising his honesty. As a result, José was elected employee of the month and his boss gave him a brand new television as a reward! This proves the saying "honesty is the best policy"!
