Which key will you choose? The answer will tell you what others think of you when they first meet you

It is sometimes said that a lifetime is not enough to get to properly know someone else. But does this also apply to ourselves? Knowing every aspect of one's character is almost impossible, of course. The situations in which we find ourselves are always different and we often surprise ourselves with what we do.
Precisely for this reason, there are many fun tests that can reveal some hidden characteristics of our own personalities. But some tests - like the one presented in this article - have the function of telling us what others think about us. Ready to discover something new? Let's start with this personality test:
Which key would you chose?

Personality tests like the one we offer here, are very entertaining games. They are not based on scientific research, but they are a great pastime for those who like to dabble in "amateur psychology".
In today's test, we ask you to choose one of the 4 keys in the image. Don't think too much about it and let your instincts guide you. Once you make a selection, check out the corresponding explanation and find out what others think of you when they first meet you.
Your selection will tell you what others think of you…

There are 4 choices: A, B, C or D. Which one will you chose? Everything will depend on what your instincts tell you. This personality test does not require much thought. Let's see what the various options tell us about what other people think of us, based on our choice.
Key A: you are not a person who can let themselves go easily and others do not like this quality about you all that much. At first glance, you might appear insecure and fragile, but this is not the case. You just don't want people to hurt you and would rather protect yourself against this.
Key B: if this is your choice, it means that others perceive you as a safe, reassuring person who is secure about what they do. You leave no room for uncertainty and those who meet you like this. Near to you, everyone feels confident and feels they can rely on your support.

Key C: if this was your choice, then you are a type who for others has a very strong personality. Sincerity is your trump card and you would never, ever lie to those around you. Your charisma does not go unnoticed and you manage to charm anyone with your loyalty.
Key D: if this was your choice, it means that you have suffered a lot in your life, you are lost and you are trying to find a new path to follow. But you don't appear fragile in the eyes of others, on the contrary. You are a good person who trusts others and is grateful to others for their support.
So what was your choice? Did you find a match to your personality?