What is the missing number? Solve this math puzzle and prove you're a genius

Solving mathematical tests are the perfect pastime to relax with after a tiring day at work, and to challenge yourself in a fun way. Constant puzzle-solving helps to keep our brain active and sharp. Looking for solutions and answers to puzzles is a great way to do this.
If this is true for you, then read on. In this article, we want to challenge you to solve the puzzle in just 10 seconds - will you succeed?
Math puzzle: What's the missing number?

In this mathematical test, we must study the image and work out what we are looking at. The purpose of this puzzle is to be able to figure out which number to insert in place of the question mark and you have only 10 seconds to do this.
If you can do this, you are either a genius, or well-practiced at these types of puzzles, or both!
So, give it your best shot!
Try to solve the puzzle in just 10 seconds

Time has started and you need to find the forth number, but how?
Well, here's a clue. Let's take a good look at the drawings, and recognize that the images of the eggs form a part of the solution.
Have you got an answer yet? We are about to reveal the solution, but if you need more time, keep trying.
The answer

The missing number is 25, but how did we get this answere? The important thing was, as we said, to carefully study the eggs. The eggs are made of whites and yolks and the answer lies here.
In the first image, we have an albumen and a yolk, which give the number 11 (1 egg in 1 set). In the second image, there is only one albumen (1 set) and three yolks, which gives us to 13. In the lower left image, the number is 23 , because we have 2 egg whites (2 sets) and 3 yolks. In the fourth image, there are two egg whites (2 sets) and 5 yolks, so the number can only be 25.
How did you do on this challenge?