Lavender: let's discover how to use it inside the home to enjoy its benefits

We all know how that nature provides us with valuable, precious resources. Fruit, plants and spices all provide us with materials which can be beneficial for our health and our wallets!
One of the most popular plants used in homes is undoubtedly lavender. Lavender grows as easily at home as it does wild in a field and can be very useful for us. Let's find out how:
How to use lavender: the benefits of this wonderful plant

Lavender is one of the best known and beloved plants in the world. Its flowers are used in many industries and its scent is intoxicating. There are so many ways to use lavender and its benefits are innumerable. In this article we want to discover some of these:
1. First of all, lavender can be used to fight insomnia. Many people cannot fall asleep easily once in bed, and it is really unpleasant to spend hours tossing and turning. This plant can help us: its scent and other properties promote better sleep because lavender relaxs both the mind and the body.
If we are very stressed and lacking sleep, it is advisable to place some lavender leaves next to the bed - or directly under the pillow. Alternatively, essential oils can be used. Many studies have shown just how much better you can sleep thanks to the use of this all-natural product (and which can also reduce anxiety).

2. Lavender is also very useful for personal care, both in terms of aesthetics and health. Excellent for the creation of cosmetics, this plant is very common in soaps, creams and perfumes. But also its anti-inflammatory and healing qualities make it unique. We have already mentioned its importance in counteracting anxiety and even depression, plus its efficacy in improving and strengthening our immune system, thus allowing us to better fight off illness.
Lavender, however, is also useful as an insect repellant and after-bite treatment. When mosquitoes and the like attack and bite or sting us, applying some lavender oil is a very effective and immediate remedy.

3. A plant with a thousand benefits for our health, lavender can also be used in the kitchen. Not only for herbal teas, infusions and other drinks, lavender is also recommended for use in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes. Adding it, for example, to roasts, instead of the classic rosemary, could give our dishes the touch we are looking for.
And then, for those with a sweet tooth, it can be used in the preparation of desserts. Ice creams, jams, creams, donuts: each of these delicacies will taste even better if topped off with lavender leaves or flowers.

These are just a few of the main ways lavender can be used. But we can also use lavender for perfuming the rooms of our homes. Placing a few bags with leaves and flowers in strategic points will pleasantly scent our homes. And lavender is equally useful for keeping our hair healthy and shiny, for preventing the moths from invading our closets and drawers, and much more.
In short, it doesn't matter whether you choose to use only the flowers and leaves of the lavender plant or the essential oils obtained from it - whatever form you prefer, lavender can help you live a more comfortable life.
Did you know about all these "powers" lavender has? Is it a plant you like?