Your children won't eat their vegetables? These expert tips will come in handy

by Mark Bennett

September 16, 2023

Your children won't eat their vegetables? These expert tips will come in handy

Vegetables are not most children's favorite dish: we have to accept this and act accordingly. The reasons why most of our little ones don't particularly like veggies are not very clear or well known. There can be many factors that influence this preference: taste and color can perhaps be determining factors, for example. 

So, how can we encourage kids to eat their veggies? We know it's important for kids to eat at least one portion of veggies a day (for adults too). Let's see what experts advise:

How to convince children to eat their vegetables?

How to convince children to eat their vegetables?


What stratagems can we use to get our kids to eat their veggies?

Some food experts have made several suggestions and one of these - 43-year-old chef Miguel Maestre - has made a few recommendations: read on to find out more.


Expert advice...

Expert advice...


Miguel Maestre is a well-known Spanish chef based in Australia, who spoke at length in an interview about the problem most parents have: how to convince children to eat vegetables?

1. It is important first of all to let the kids participate in the choice of vegetables to be cooked. Teaching a child about the vegetables themselves is important. Taking the kids to a vegetable farm, or growing vegetables together in the garden at home, or on the terrace, these are all activities that can help achieve this goal.

2. Preparing the veggies together with the kids. That's right - teach the kids how to wash, clean and cut vegetables to get them involved. This way, they will feel part of the "process" and will be more inclined to consume what they themselves have helped to produce and prepare.

What else can we do...?

What else can we do...?


3. Eating together is also very important. Sitting at the table with your children is the best way to encourage them to eat what we are eating too. 

4. Trying foods from all over the world is an important step for our children. You don't have to limit yourself to just local produce. Remember, "variety is the spice of life".

These are just some suggestions from a food expert, but there are many other ways to encourage your kids to eat their veggies. What methods do you use? Do you want to share them with us?
