Dreaming of losing your teeth: this is what our subconscious might be wanting to tell us

Dreaming is one of the most mysterious things that our minds engage in when we are sleeping.
In many cases, dreams reflect wishful thinking - like hugging someone dear to us who, in real life, has passed on. At other times, we have nightmares: dreams that scare and terrify us. A common nightmare had by many is losing their teeth. But what does a dream like this mean?
via Psychcentral
Dreaming of losing your teeth

Dream interpretation has validity, even if it is not a "science": some truths we hide - even from ourselves - emerge in dreams. But interpreting dreams is not always easy.
If you dream about your teeth falling out - and you don't have an upcoming dentist appointment to worry about - then this dream is most likely about hidden anxieties and fears.
This particular dream indicates that we have channeled and repressed many worries, that we are upset and worried and the reasons for this vary from person to person. Let's see what else this "toothless" dream can represent.
The meaning of the dream

Analyzing a dream is a bit like looking for the solution to a mystery: you have to find the clues. At this point, however, we need to make a further effort and be able to grasp the symbolism that may be behind this dream. The loss of teeth can represent the imminent fear of losing a person dear to us, for example. It can be a fear for the end of a romantic relationship, a friendship or having to say goodbye to a loved one. In fact, teeth - regarded as "permanent" - do not grow back when we lose them and are irreplaceable: so, losing one means, symbolically, giving up/losing something very important.
Another interpretation that we can attribute to this unpleasant dream/nightmare is the fear of losing control of our life: ending up in financial ruin or losing one's social status are just a few examples. There are even those who associate getting wealth suddenly with this strange dream which could symbolize a dramatic, radical change. Again, one of the causes could be suppressed rage and anger.
In conclusion, there is not just one meaning for this type of dream and varies from person to person: we advise you to write down the details of your dream and then to reflect on your own life in order to understand its deeper meaning.