Clever ideas to upcycle toilet paper roll cardboard tubes!

When we finish a roll of toilet paper or when we tear off the last sheet from a roll of paper towels, we usually throw the cardboard tube in the trash can ... big mistake!
With this ingenious, practical, and quick method, you will realize how handy and useful those toilet paper roll cardboard tubes, that you have always thrown away, can be! You will be able to create unique decorations to hang on the walls of your house or apartment that everyone will envy.
You don't believe us? Well, just follow these few simple steps and you will see for yourself what you can create . . .
All that you need, in addition to cardboard paper roll tubes, are a pair of scissors and some glue, which would be even better if it is hot glue.

With a pair of scissors cut from each cardboard tube, four rings of the same width.

Next, proceed to glue together the rings that you have cut out, thereby realizing various creative forms, all different!

You can choose, according to your taste; for example, you can create a kind of circle or a small tree.

In this case, we created eight small trees and then glued them to a single round mirror . . . et voila!

Perhaps you would prefer to see each step in order right before your eyes? Here is a handy and easy to follow video ready to explain everything! Have fun!