Baby wipes can cause allergies in babies!

Anyone with a baby also carries with them a package of baby wipes! Parents often use them to clean objects that come into contact with children or to wash their hands, mouth and intimate parts when they are out of the house.
But are we sure that a product made to be used also on newborn babies is really safe? According to recent episodes, the answer is --- no.
In fact, some moms have become alarmed after seeing the faces of their children covered with scabs, sores, and rashes. The cause? Baby wipes or wet wipes!
Dermatologists strongly advise against the use of wet wipes on children due to the fact that the chemicals present are innumerable and can trigger allergic reactions.

Baby wipes appeared on the market for the first time in 1990. Among all the chemical components that can cause irritation, there is one in particular against which dermatologists launch complaints, namely, methylisothiazolinone.
It is a powerful antimicrobial used in many personal care products as a preservative. Not only have children been found to be allergic to this substance, but it also affects adults negatively since it makes skin dry out which can lead to rashes, sores, and cuts that subsequently become infected.
What is important to know is that baby wipes or wet wipes, in general, are not at all a necessary item to have in your handbag or backpack. The disinfectant action of baby wipes or wet wipes is not as effective as it is believed to be and the contraindications far outweigh the positive aspects of their use.
Moreover, you can still find chemical-free wipes for sale, but the main advice is that you should wash your hands frequently! How? By taking advantage of all the occasions when you have the opportunity or a reason to wash your hands with clean water ... just do it!