DIY Make a trendy accessory from a cardboard box!

Do you love those accessories, that are modern but at the same time rustic, that also donate a designer touch to your bathroom? Well, today we will show you how to make one in just five minutes and at a cost of only about 2 EUR/USD.
Thanks to the imagination and practical skills of Elizabeth Joan here is how to create in five quick steps, a fantastic rustic basket for the bathroom, for storing toilet paper or what you prefer! Just watch ...
Here is the result you will get, but first let's see what you need ...

You will need:
• a cardboard box
• adhesive tape
• rope or 4-ply jute string
• glue (suitable to be used on cardboard and twine)
• scissors
• cloth bag (the size of the box)
1. First, get yourself a common cardboard box, whatever size you prefer for your bathroom, and put some adhesive tape on the bottom, to secure the bottom flaps.

2. Cut off the top flaps of the box so that it appears as in the image.

3. Now start to wrap the jute string around the cardboard box, letting the glue slip between the cardboard and the jute string so as to strengthen the attachment.

4. Wait for the glue to dry so that the jute string remains firmly attached to the box.

5. Now it is time to insert a cloth bag inside the box ... Et voila, your rustic basket for the bathroom is ready for use!
