Replace a cover knob easily! Use a wine cork -- it works perfectly!

In the absence of organization and cooking skills, the kitchen can be a real disaster if not a dangerous place.
To know how to cook well, besides memorizing recipes by heart, obviously, you also need to be knowledgeable about some of the basics tricks in regards to presenting a dish, as well as how to save time and money.
Here is a collection of useful tips for both those who are approaching the art of cooking for the first time and for those who think that they already know it all! Remember -- you never stop learning!
1. When zucchinis are picked overripe their central portion may be filled with seeds. To quickly remove them use a small ice cream scoop.

2. Eliminate excess oil from fried food with ice cubes.

After frying, it is a good idea to let foods drain on a sheet of absorbent paper towels. To remove an even greater measure of excess oils, wrap a few ice cubes in a paper towel. Then gently dab the surface of the fried food and you will see the paper towel absorb all the excess oil.
3. The right way to use plastic wrap.

If you want to use plastic wrap like a real chef, without tearing it and wasting more than necessary, then refrigerate it. When it is cold, it is much easier to use! It does not cling everywhere, and it is also easier to tear off a piece.
4. If the skin of a piece of fruit is hard to peel, then try putting it in the microwave for 20 seconds.

5. To quickly peel boiled eggs, add a few drops of vinegar to the cooking water.

6. To squeeze all the juice from citrus fruits, first cool them in the refrigerator, then warm them up in the microwave for 20 seconds at maximum power.

7. To prevent cheese from sticking to the grater, put the cheese in the fridge for a few minutes until it has cooled down slightly.

8. To peel onions without tears, keep them in the refrigerator. But if you want to eat them raw then we would not recommend this, as they will lose their crunchiness.

9. In order to prevent liquid from boiling over, place a wooden spoon across the pot, resting on the edges!

10. To cook a whole chicken to perfection, lay the chicken on its breasts in the cooking pan.

Since chicken breasts contain most of the meat, in this position, the whole chicken will be cooked in a more homogeneous way.
11. If you do not have any cupcake liners, you can always improvise with baking paper. It is a perfect substitute and also gives a more rustic appearance to your cupcakes and muffins.

12. If you heat pre-cooked food (like pizza) in the microwave -- then also put a glass of water in the microwave --- it will serve to prevent the crust from drying out.

13. To cook the eggs in the pan perfectly, instead of oil, add water --- the egg whites will be softer and the yolks will remain slightly liquid!

14. In order to always have fresh herbs, make a habit of freezing them in an ice cube tray using water or olive oil. In this way, all the vitamins are preserved.

15. To preserve nuts longer and avoid the occurrence of that bitter aftertaste, store them in the freezer in a bag equipped with a closure.

16. To avoid the appearance of rust on cast iron cookware do not always wash them with soap and water. Alternate by cleaning them with salt which scours the pan and also eliminates odors.

17. To eliminate kitchen smells from your hands use lemon juice or even salt instead of soap.

18. To return stainless steel kitchenware to its original splendor, use a mixture of water and vinegar!

If there are no other metal parts, you can also leave the stainless steel kitchenware item to soak in the solution overnight.
19. To clean wooden utensils just boil them in water and let them dry in the sun. They will return as new!

20. To clean wooden cutting boards, first, scrub the surface with coarse salt. Then sprinkle with lemon juice and let dry. This procedure will eliminate all odors!

21. If you are in the habit of using recipe books, then use a clothes hanger with clips to keep the pages open. You can also hook the clothes hanger on a kitchen cabinet door handle for a more comfortable reading!

We will leave you with one last hack! Have you ever lost or broken the knob of a pan or pot cover? Well, here is the way to quickly replace it!