Crispy potatoes cooked without oil! Absolutely delicious!

Are you tired of eating those French fries dripping with oil that will remain in your stomach all night? Do you no longer want to fry potatoes because to get rid of the smell you have to keep the windows open two hours even if it is cold outside?
These problems will be a distant memory with this recipe that will allow you to taste crispy and tasty potatoes as if they were fried ... without frying them!
- 5/7 potatoes
- the whites of 2 eggs
- black pepper q.s.
- salt to taste.
- sweet Paprika q.s.
1. Peel the potatoes and after washing them, cut into strips as if you were to going to fry them.

2. Beat the egg whites with a fork until they are light and foamy. Next, add salt, pepper, and paprika.

3. Place the potatoes in a container, add the egg white mixture, and stir thoroughly so that all the potatoes are coated.

4. Now, lay them on a baking tray lined with kitchen parchment paper and then place the potatoes in the oven at 200/220°C ( 110/130°F). Cook for 10 minutes or until golden brown.

5. Now your potatoes are ready!

In the video, there is an alternative version of this recipe, without egg whites and with different spices!