Twelve things you should NEVER microwave!

Let's face it, we have become accustomed to the convenience of using a microwave oven and it is something that would be difficult to give up, even knowing that the safety of its use is still questioned by many people.
In any case, there are things that we should never ever try to warm up, defrost or cook in a microwave oven!
Here in this video, we will demonstrate a few examples that might seem far-fetched but if you do not have the instruction manual nearby for reference (and who does?), it could be seen as experimenting with the idea of "what would happen if.....?".
12 things that you should never put it in a microwave oven.

Here's what you cannot put in a microwave oven: aluminum foil (this everyone should know but to be scrupulous, we repeat it), plastic bags (they catch on fire and produce toxic fumes), cardboard envelopes, stainless steel containers (such as thermos) thermos), containers with very small metal parts such as the cardboard packaging with a handle used by takeaway restaurants, polystyrene containers, plastic food containers (the chemicals that compose them may dissolve into the food ), raisins (burn and produce smoke), grapes (grapes can burst into flame), whole eggs (explode), dried chilies, sauces dangerously close to the edge of the container and which are not covered (the possibility of splattering is very high ) and finally never activate a microwave oven without anything inside -- the absence of the water molecules contained in food which are acted upon by the electromagnetic fields emitted from its spectrum will damage the microwave oven.