Discover some great hacks that can make a difference!

So, you have learned to do some things in a certain way and you are not willing to try any other way, and no one is able to convince you that their method is better than yours.
Don't worry! In the case of these 10 hacks -- absolutely no problem! Many of them would never have even occurred to you to do! Some methods are unusual, others bizarre, maybe some work more than others but they are certainly effective.
In the video at the bottom of the page, you can find them all.
#1 If your solar panel based lighting loses power, you can resort to transparent nail polish to solve the problem.

#2 If you do not have a salad clamp just cut two forks in this way and lock them into place.

#3 Use the cap of your camera on an open can to prevent the liquid from leaking out in the event of a fall.

#4 If your sandpaper tears before using it do not throw it out --- just repair it with duct tape.

#5 To prevent shoelaces from continually slipping out of their shoelace eyelets ... Hot glue!

#6 To lubricate your bicycle chain simply join two toothbrushes and spray them with lubricant. You learned to do some things in a certain way and you are not willing to do this more, no one will convince you that his method is better than yours. Quiet, in the case of these 10 tricks no problem: many of them there will never occur to them to do. Some methods are unusual, others bizarre, maybe some work more than others but they are certainly decisive. In the video at

#7 The easiest way to recharge a hot glue gun is to glue the new piece to the one that is about to end.

#8 To avoid that the pot lid dances and jumps around just use a simple rubber band!

#9 Here's how to prepare an avocado seed to sprout and be planted.

#10 Place pizza on a baking sheet in this way to be able to cook two pizzas together instead of just one!
