Discover an easy way to produce and harvest honey!

There already exist a mirade of studies focusing on bees, those magnificent insects that never cease to amaze us!
However, their existence is threatened by extinction, and if that happened, our entire ecosystem would be affected as bees are vital to the pollination of some plants that otherwise would not be able to reproduce.
In any case, today we offer you a bizarre construction that was created for the purpose of simplifying honey production by transforming a bee hive into a small factory.
You need to have a superhive aka super available (you can create one by yourself) and double lid glass jars.
1. Prepare the cover of your superhive by taking the measurements of the lids that you will use to fasten the glass jars.

2. Make holes in the superhive cover with the help of a drill and a suitable tip.

3. Take the part of the lid with the ridges and apply glue to its bottom edge.

4. Place the lid on the superhive cover. Press until you feel that the lid is stable.

5. Now screw on the glass jars, obviously without closing the opening with the second lid of the jar.

6. Place the superhive cover on the bee box cassette and cover it with another wooden box so that the bees can work in peace.

7. Bees will build cells (honeycombs) inside the jars, and there they will produce honey.

8. When the honey is ready just remove the jar and free the honeycomb from the bees. Remember to remove the bees wax!

Here is the video where you can see the entire construction process explained and illustrated!