Discover how to make "love handles" disappear!

When the weather is warmer and people are starting to put away sweaters and coats in favor of lighter clothing, having an abdomen and hips that are in shape can be really important. The aesthetic factor may be crucial but it is also psychological because feeling fit and in shape helps us a lot to deal successfully with everyday challenges.
In this video, we present a workout that focuses precisely on that area of the body, and will keep you busy for only about ten minutes. Performed at least 2-3 times a week and combined with a diet rich in vegetables and low in sweets, it gives excellent results.
Attention! When doing the exercises you should never force yourself if you feel pain. It is important to perform the exercises slowly and in the correct position, and you should stop before you are completely exhausted. Do not worry! The results will come anyway!
Images: Colin Rose / Wikimedia