How to free your campsite from bothersome insects!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 05, 2017

How to free your campsite from bothersome insects!

This man reveals a trick that he learned directly in Lebanon concerning how to discourage unwanted insects from invading your campsite!

His advice is based on the atavic fear of fire that all living beings have because when there is smoke in the air that means that there is a fire and the fire means death.

To create this insect deterrent, you just need to burn fresh coffee grounds (or used coffee grounds left to dry) on a piece of aluminum foil. 

This will generate a small smokescreen that will discourage and keep away not only mosquitoes but also flies and wasps! Alternatively, you can always have a barbecue and produce another kind of smoke!  :) 

Image: Pixnio
