Tasty homemade peach fruit juice --- lip-smacking good! :)

Is the idea of buying fruit juices full of preservatives and food products made who knows how long ago at the supermarket something you have never liked?
Well, here's how you can prepare healthy and delicious fruit juice at home, in the most genuine way possible!
The version that we present is for making peach fruit juice and shows you both the method for making fruit juice to be consumed within a week and the one that allows you to store fruit juice in the pantry for up to one year.
1. First, peel enough mature peaches to arrive at 2 lb (1 kg) without the peach stones.

2. In a large pot, pour 1 quart (1 liter) of water and add 10.5 ounces (300 grams) of sugar. Turn on the fire under the pot to melt the sugar, and then add the peaches.

3. Allow the mixture to boil, then add the lemon juice and boil for three minutes.

4. Remove the pot from the fire and pour the contents into an electric blender in order to amalgamate all the separate pieces of fruit.

5. Pour the still hot juice into clean, dry glass bottles. Close them with new fruit juice bottle caps, turn them over, and let cool completely.

Juice prepared and bottled in this way can be stored in the fridge and must be consumed within a week.
6. If you want to prepare a large supply of fruit juice, then after the glass bottles have been closed and capped, put them in a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes. By using this method, the peach juice can be stored safely in the pantry for about one year.
