Keep the water in your swimming pool warm!

If you are lucky enough to have a swimming pool in your garden and you would like to use it during the hours of the day when the water is still a bit too cool, then here is a practical and efficient way to always have warm water!
Just build circular panels that hold the heat accumulated during the day. How? With an easy-to-do DIY project, of course!
After you have completed this project and you will be able to increase the time you can take advantage of your beautiful swimming pool.

A dozen (12) hula hoops (choose the diameter so you create a sufficient number of panels to cover at least half of your pool)
sheets of black plastic sheeting (polyethylene) 6 mm or more of thickness
an inexpensive welder
insulating tape
a clamp
(In the video, ties and a metal bar are also used but watching the video you will understand that you do not really need them)
1. Cut the plastic sheeting so as to obtain circular shapes with a slightly larger diameter than the hula hoop (about 2.5 cm).

2. Use the insulating tape to close the opening of the hula hoop so as not to allow any water to enter (video).
3. Use pliers to hold the plastic sheeting in place.

4. Use the welder to drill holes along the entire circumference of the hula hoop.

Caution: As soon as you have made one, use a metallic object to apply pressure and then adhere the plastic sheeting to the hula hoop rim. After attaching the plastic sheeting, make holes along the inside of the rim (a dozen).
5. In the evening, after a day of swimming in your pool, place the hula hoop circles in the water ...

Voilà! If you wish, the next day, you can dive into your pool early in the morning!

See the video below to review each step!