You will love these apartment plants! Take a look!

A well-furnished home, with obvious attention to details and interior design decor placed in the right place, will never be as beautiful as one that also displays apartment plants.
Convinced that you think so too, we want to give you some insight into some apartment plants that would, with their peculiarities, embellish an interior environment even if everything else was left to itself.
Get some paper and a pen and discover these marvels of nature.
1. Marimo or Sasso-plant (Aegagropila Linnaeus), a diffused algae in the Northern Hemisphere. Lately, this plant has won the favor of trend-setting interior plant designers.

2. Trachyandra, a beautiful succulent native to south-eastern Africa, that is now, unfortunately, almost extinct.

3. Crassula umbella - It is part of the genus "Crassula" that also groups 1480 other species and includes the well-known Jade Plant, but this particular species, as you can see, is a rare pearl.

4. Euphorbia obese comes from South Africa and is distinguished by its round shape and pulp.

5. Euphorbia caput-medusae (Medusa's Head) comes from South Africa and makes an impression due to the particular Medusa-type tentacles that grow profusely.

6. Euphorbia typhoon, with its bright and beautiful fire-colored tentacles.

Haworthia cooperi - The tip of appendages may be more or less sharp, but their body is certainly one of the most fascinating aspects of this succulent plant that is from South Africa.

8. Senecio peregrinus - looking at this plant's profile, we can see how the appendages of some plants of this species take the form of dolphins!

9. Platycerium (Staghorn fern)- Thanks to their highly ornamental appearance, the Staghorn fern is an interior design plant that is in high demand.

10. Sedum morganianum - This perennial succulent plant originates from Mexico and with its cluster-like leaves, it is perfect for interior and exterior decorations such as balconies and pergolas.
