What do your fears make you see?

From the earliest age, it may happen that we develop various phobias or secret fears that are more or less unconscious but that at some point we have to decide to define and then deal with them.
One of the methods with which we can try to define these fears are the so-called projective tests or visual stimuli, in which we are asked to provide a description or to say what we see in an image.
Of course, this is not the solution to your deepest fears, but it can be a way to start discovering something about yourself, such as repressed emotions and internal conflicts.
Now look closely at this image. Which of the elements that make up this figure attracted your attention first?

Find out what your answer suggests about your unconscious fears and feelings ...
1. The strawberry

By observing the strawberry in the first image carefully you will notice that it is of a particularly large size and is situated right in the center of the image. It represents the heart and if it was precisely the strawberry that captured your attention, it means that you fear rejection and not being loved in return or failing in love relationships.
2. The little girl

If the first thing that caught your attention was the figure of the little girl, it may mean that you have experienced some traumatic childhood events or perhaps even when you were still in your mother's womb and that this has led you to suppress certain emotions.
3. Trees

If, however, you are attracted by the presence of the trees you may have a tendency to experience mood swings, to getting angry easily, and to having difficulty managing your emotions. If you look at the initial figure, you will notice that the tree branches connect at the top as if they were a bridge. This symbolizes a dual personality type.
4. The butterfly

Butterflies have always been given symbolic meanings, such as purity and hope. The life cycle of this insect, in particular, has always been the inspiration of philosophical and spiritual reflections, and for this reason, it is often associated with the elucubrations on life and death. If you noticed the butterfly first, your spiritual side is likely to be trying to tell you something.
5. The skull

If you ignored all the other elements listed so far and immediately incorporated them into the optical illusion that forms the skull then that means you have an anguished relationship with the idea of death or that you have experienced the mourning of a person close to you and their death still has an effect on you.