Want to rejuvenate your bathroom? Here's how!

Among the extra housekeeping tasks that are necessary to perform at intervals of a few weeks or even a few months, we can certainly include the odious but necessary elimination of floor tile mildew and dirt.
Especially in the bathroom, mildew and dirt accumulate with relentless speed, creating a gray patina effect on the tiles and the highly visible dark-colored mildew trapped in the tile grout lines.
Many have learned at their own expense that cleaning these tiles is not easy at all and requires a lot of time, patience, and elbow grease. So, it is only natural to ask --- are there any hacks that can help us?
via takprosto.cc

Today we present a very economical and ecological hack! It will allow you to effectively clean the tiles and the mildew in the grout lines between the tiles without using aggressive and polluting chemicals.
The materials you need

Here are all the materials you need:
- water
- bicarbonate soda
- 1 lemon
- White vinegar
- a large bowl
- a spray bottle (optional)
- 1 brush and sponges

Mix 250 ml of water and 2 tablespoons bicarbonate soda in the large bowl. Then start by adding lemon juice, keeping in mind to make sure that the foam produced does not spill. Finally, add 250ml of vinegar.
With the aid of the spray bottle (or alternatively with a sponge) spray the mixture on the tiles with particular attention to the mildew in the grout lines between the tiles.

After 30 minutes, begin vigorously brushing the grout lines between the tiles to remove the mildew and dirt, and then with the sponge clean the surface of the tiles.

You will notice the difference immediately! This naturally powerful mixture will melt the mildew and dirt so they can be easily removed.

Rinse well and, if you had not done a thorough cleaning for a long time, consider whether to repeat the procedure to get a better result.
Voilà! Now your bathroom looks as good as new again!