Using common objects to get unusually clever results!

One needs to be naturally inclined towards recycling in order to do it well and intelligently.
Recycling is not just using waste materials to create new things, but it also means finding a second use for the most common objects so as to avoid buying other useless or nearly useless products.
Here is a photo gallery where you can find some ideas to reuse aka upcycle common objects in totally new and different ways!
1. Kitchen clamps can function like a juicer. The juice can be squeezed out to the very last drop!

2. A smartphone recharging station --- created from an old breadbox!

3. Using the tabs from soda or beer cans as hooks for wall paintings.

4. Use your water bottle like a thermos.

Fill your water bottle only half way and then place it horizontally in the freezer. After the water has frozen, fill the other half with water that you want to keep cool for a long time!
5. A chair seat made from old belts.

6. A trash can for your car made from a cereal container.

7. A Kinder Egg Box used as a tangle-free earplug holder.

8. Shelves inside an old guitar.

9. A Photograph ... lamp!

10. Keep cups or mugs warm or hot with an unpaired sock!

11. Use small plastic candy boxes to store your sewing tapes and ribbons.

12. A shoebox is perfect to be transformed into thread spool box.

13. You can utilize mouthwash as an antifungal solution for your feet.

14. Deodorant stick

A deodorant stick can also be applied to other parts of your body! Women can apply it to avoid sweating under their breasts or even to relieve the redness caused by shaving with a razor blade.