Unbelievable things that happen only ... on the subway!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 24, 2017

Unbelievable things that happen only ... on the subway!

One of the things that characterize big cities is the presence of infrastructures such as subways, an efficient means of public transport that connects neighborhoods, people, and lifestyles.

It is often on the subway cars, in fact, that there is an agglomeration of the most curious and diverse people that one can imagine.

Those who frequently and boldly use the subway in the world's largest metropolises, in particular, are often the ones that guarantee the most absurd and funny scenes, just like those immortalized by these captured images.

The little baby girl had begun to cry and so the street artist started playing just for her!

The little baby girl had begun to cry and so the street artist started playing just for her!



Riding on the subway with a crow. Yeah, sure, something you see every day ...

Riding on the subway with a crow. Yeah, sure, something you see every day ...


The text on the tote bag reads: "This text has no other purpose than to spread terror in the hearts of those who are afraid of the Arabic language."

The text on the tote bag reads: "This text has no other purpose than to spread terror in the hearts of those who are afraid of the Arabic language."

Nader Alsarras

Here it looks like things are about to get ugly ...

Here it looks like things are about to get ugly ...


Clearly, these two have something in mind ...

Clearly, these two have something in mind ...



Um ... Aren't we exaggerating a little?

Um ... Aren't we exaggerating a little?


In the subway with .... a hamster on a leash. Unmistakably.

In the subway with .... a hamster on a leash. Unmistakably.



The New York metro prohibits the transport of dogs that are not small enough to be fitted into a bag and carried ...

The New York metro prohibits the transport of dogs that are not small enough to be fitted into a bag and carried ...


Traveling with Gandalf (or Magneto, you can decide).

Traveling with Gandalf (or Magneto, you can decide).



One pulls out the whiskey, the other the sparkling wine and this was how two strangers toasted each other on the subway!

One pulls out the whiskey, the other the sparkling wine and this was how two strangers toasted each other on the subway!


This is also a clear example of a small dog ...

This is also a clear example of a small dog ...



You should never get behind with your work!

You should never get behind with your work!


The subway seats are uncomfortable so ...

The subway seats are uncomfortable so ...



What better time to play a little...on your harp?

What better time to play a little...on your harp?


Also in London, the subway (underground) passengers do not play around!

Also in London, the subway (underground) passengers do not play around!



Meanwhile in the subways of Moscow ...

Meanwhile in the subways of Moscow ...


A real man or a piece of plastic? ...

A real man or a piece of plastic? ...


By boarding this subway car, I immediately traveled 20 years in the future and I met an aging Obama!

By boarding this subway car, I immediately traveled 20 years in the future and I met an aging Obama!


This is called harassing your neighbor ...

This is called harassing your neighbor ...

What a sweet little family!

What a sweet little family!


Pika-pi, Pikachu !!!

Pika-pi, Pikachu !!!


Sometimes I forget that I live in Asia. But then I take the subway and immediately everything becomes clear to me!

Sometimes I forget that I live in Asia. But then I take the subway and immediately everything becomes clear to me!


"How to get to know a woman in the subway". Here is how to put into practice what the book suggests!

"How to get to know a woman in the subway". Here is how to put into practice what the book suggests!


In the New York subway, any and everything can happen!

In the New York subway, any and everything can happen!


Well....why not...?

Well....why not...?


Passing through the turnstiles will not be easy!

Passing through the turnstiles will not be easy!


What a delightful traveling companion!

What a delightful traveling companion!

