12 situations where short people will recognize themselves instantly!

The world around us is designed and built to meet the needs of the majority.
When asked about how high a kitchen cabinet should be, for example, the response was obtained by choosing an average height that allows most people to use it.
Of course, this is the right thing to do ... But what about those people who are not included in that category?!
If you are also part of the world of short people, then you will not have any trouble recognizing yourself in these situations that have been immortalized in these captured images.
Cooking something can become a lot of work!

© Common White Girl/twitter.com
Also trying to look at yourself in a mirror is not so easy either!

© Steffi Barraclough/twitter.com
At the supermarket, you seem like rock climbing enthusiasts.

© Short Girl Problems/twitter.com
Now we get to the topic of clothes ...

© manipulated_daydreams_/instagram.com
You can save on socks, apparently!

© Short Girl Problems/twitter.com
In the swimming pool, this is what you look like in the shallow end of the swimming pool (or so they say).

In the office you easily can create foot stand, but when the hairdresser raises the chair, for you there is no escape.

© Tahlia Pritchard / facebook.com
At concerts, you can never see the performer on stage.

In addition, when you drive and the sun shines in your face, lowering your sun visor does not help at all.

Is this how you also get clothes out of a top-loading washing machine?

Fortunately, she has someone who helps her when she goes shopping so that she does not need to call the sales assistant!

"Even they enjoy taking advantage of me as something to lean on!'

Has anybody recognized themselves in these situations and images? Tell us about the most typical and fun experiences that have happened to you!