An elderly chimpanzee receives the last visit from her friend and their meeting will bring tears to your eyes ...

If you have any doubts that primates experience the exact same emotions as humans, this video will eliminate your doubts.
The chimpanzee you see is called Mama, and is the matriarch of the chimpanzee colony living in Royal Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, Holland. This group of primates has been crucial in recent decades for the advancement of the behavioral study of these animals.
In this video in April 2016, Mama is 59 years old, she is sick, and she refuses food and is seemingly determined to let herself die.
Therefore, the biological behavior professor Jan van Hooff, Mama's old friend, decides to visit Mama for one last time ... to give show her his love and appreciation ... and to say goodbye.

The professor has known Mama since 1972, has lived many years in contact with the chimpanzee colony, and between him and the matriarch, there was a very deep connection.
At first, the chimpanzee, who is very weak and in a state of lethargy, seems to be unaware of the professor's presence, but as Jan van Hooff pronounces his first words, the animal's eyes seem to light up to give her old friend a wonderful welcome.

The old matriarch dies about a week after this last meeting, but from the pictures, we can clearly understand that the attention received from her old friend gave her a last, precious moment of comfort and affection.
Enjoy the video of their encounter ... and try not to be touched!