20 photos that will teach you how to think like a real engineer
The world is divided into basically two types of people.
There are those who give up immediately without even trying to think of a possible solution and those who find an ingenious solution in the blink of an eye.
Today, we want to focus on the genius, in some cases almost madness, of the latter. The photos that follow are all solutions created by those who have a vision of the world that is typical of an engineer.
Everything can be done, you just have to put your mind to it!
1. Support for your tablet computer.
2. If it's stupid, but it works, it's not stupid.
3. A definitive solution to the unwanted light that enters a window.
4. Broken car headlight? No problem!
5. "Dad, will you swing me?' " Certainly, my dear!"
6. Pure genius.
7. Here's how truckers wash their clothes while they are driving from coast to coast.
8. Even if we do not know why the light switch is so high, let's just focus on the solution found ...
9. A comic book repair job!
10. Do you have to turn off the light, but are you already under the blankets? Follow his example ...
11. The material is different, but the purpose is the same.
12. For those who always fall asleep reading ...
13. The sink will ALWAYS be empty.
14. In case there is no blender available ...
15. Why do you have to move to reach the glass when you can find an alternative?
16. It seems to work ...
17. Now, there will be no need to go down the stairs to take out the trash.
18. A wonderful example of extreme engineering.
19. They will work exactly as before.
20. This will completely solve the problem.
21. A sofa in almost perfect condition.
22. Waterproof shoes.
Trust me, I'm an engineer!