22 cases of people who have definitely had a bad day!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 06, 2017

22 cases of people who have definitely had a bad day!

Bad days happen to everyone but sometimes there is an especially bad day when it seems like the whole universe is plotting against us!

Of course, there are other times when the trouble we are in was caused by our own actions, even if we are ashamed and do not have the courage to admit it!

That is why we would like to know the background story of these images ... Whose fault was it? And how did the person involved in that particular situation react? Who knows?!

And this is how you make a sandwich?!

And this is how you make a sandwich?!

© V-mafia / reddit


Not only did the tree fall over but it pulled up the entire lawn!

Not only did the tree fall over but it pulled up the entire lawn!

© pointsarepoints / imgur

When you buy something on the Internet you should ALWAYS read the details and specifications!

When you buy something on the Internet you should ALWAYS read the details and specifications!

© instiz / twitter

The construction of this pizza seems a little off ...

The construction of this pizza seems a little off ...

© Smtmidi / pikabu

Now, just try to use this toilet ...

Now, just try to use this toilet ...

© chasisaac / reddit


A few minutes of relaxation under the sun and ...

A few minutes of relaxation under the sun and ...

© RobertRandom / imgur

Here's what happens when you leave a bottle of water in the car and outside the temperature is -22°F (-30°C).

Here's what happens when you leave a bottle of water in the car and outside the temperature is -22°F (-30°C).

© GBread / pikabu


"OK, so did I do something to offend the wedding photographer?"

"OK, so did I do something to offend the wedding photographer?"


"Oh, well ... looks like we will be dining out tonight ... "

"Oh, well ... looks like we will be dining out tonight ... "

© unknown author / imgur


We all know how strong and resistant those plastic strip locks can be ...

We all know how strong and resistant those plastic strip locks can be ...

© sandybrown528 / reddit

One wrong step can prove to be ... very messy!

One wrong step can prove to be ... very messy!

© unknown author / imgur


And they say .... you can open the can with a single gesture!

And they say .... you can open the can with a single gesture!

© a7md3laaaa2/twitter

When cleaning the toilet does not go as we had imagined.

When cleaning the toilet does not go as we had imagined.

© unknown author / imgur


An unfortunate accident ... what a shame!

An unfortunate accident ... what a shame!

© Aeleksander_RL / reddit

Did someone lose their car keys? ...

Did someone lose their car keys? ...

© salinecanine / imgur


Who would do such a thing? ... No comment!

Who would do such a thing? ... No comment!

© unknown author / imgur

Here someone could have been seriously hurt ...

Here someone could have been seriously hurt ...

© Heatrix12 / imgur

Move it, if you can!

Move it, if you can!

© deeviralbuzz / imgur

Our kitchen cabinets fell off the wall! What a nightmare!

Our kitchen cabinets fell off the wall! What a nightmare!

© lewdloos / imgur

Goodbye, my dear smartphone! ... RIP

Goodbye, my dear smartphone! ... RIP

© typonhartman / imgur

A plastic package inside ...of the snack you are eating?!

A plastic package inside ...of the snack you are eating?!

© SeGaman / pikabu

105 gallons (400 liters) of chocolate syrup lost forever ...

105 gallons (400 liters) of chocolate syrup lost forever ...

© ProcrastinatorDiedz / imgur
