11 useful tips for parents who want to experience more fun and less stressful moments

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 11, 2017

11 useful tips for parents who want to experience more fun and less stressful moments

Children fill their parents' lives with love, joy and ... headachesIt would be useless to deny it because children seem to have a constant and boundless energy that can often wear their parents out!

Keeping up with them can be difficult, especially when at the same time you have to look after the rest of the house, cook dinner and also go to work!

Here are some tips and tricks, however, that can simplify the life of a parent who has already tried everything they can think of and now believes that there is nothing more that can be done! Well, take a look!

Non-slip do-it-yourself socks.

Non-slip do-it-yourself socks.


With a special glue, made specifically for fabrics, you can create anti-slip socks recreating their most favorite fantasy.


Fake joysticks.

Fake joysticks.


So, your children will not let you play video games in peace? Well, give them joysticks without connecting them to the console! For an hour or so they will think they are actually playing, but in the end, you will probably have to surrender the functioning joystick!

Here is a way to let children attend live concerts in complete safety.

Here is a way to let children attend live concerts in complete safety.


How to make the bathroom faucet accessible.

How to make the bathroom faucet accessible.


Ideas about how to utilize a large cardboard box ...

Ideas about how to utilize a large cardboard box ...



Another idea that uses simple cardboard boxes.

Another idea that uses simple cardboard boxes.


Here is how a sheet with corners spread out on the sand at the beach can be very useful!

Here is how a sheet with corners spread out on the sand at the beach can be very useful!

Team Johnson


When parents are very tired, they may even end up doing this ...

When parents are very tired, they may even end up doing this ...


If dad has fallen asleep, and your baby too, then you can take advantage of the moment to create a beautiful photo shoot.

If dad has fallen asleep, and your baby too, then you can take advantage of the moment to create a beautiful photo shoot.



Put a stop to fights in the car with some simple dividers!

Have you ever tried to entertain your child by getting them to "paint" a wall with water? It works!

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