22 unpleasant situations that would ruin the day for anyone!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 23, 2017

22 unpleasant situations that would ruin the day for anyone!

Some people seem to have all the luck in the world, unlike many others who have to constantly deal with their daily misfortunes.

It must be said, however, that some small inconveniences can always happen, perhaps to remind us of how many things actually do go well in our lives without us being aware of it.

So, let's not just notice when things seem to go all wrong, but should we also rejoice when everything goes well!

A great way to start the day badly.

A great way to start the day badly.

auvr / imgur


This means that bad luck has chosen you as its best friend.

This means that bad luck has chosen you as its best friend.

Dimassamid / imgur

And now?

And now?

unknown author / imgur

Start calling someone ...

Start calling someone ...

brend2b / reddit



unknown author / reddit


When the kitchen cupboards come off the walls --- what a nightmare!

When the kitchen cupboards come off the walls --- what a nightmare!

Hanssssolo / reddit

The handle of the cat litter box gave way and the cat litter spilled all over the stairway carpet.

The handle of the cat litter box gave way and the cat litter spilled all over the stairway carpet.

satansfierybutthole / imgur


It seems like he did not take it badly!

It seems like he did not take it badly!

mxblinkday / imgur

We hope this guy likes hot and spicy food!

We hope this guy likes hot and spicy food!

unknown author / imgur


This is an excellent way to test a person's patience.

This is an excellent way to test a person's patience.

ahmedelnageh3 / imgur

No, today is definitely not a good day.

No, today is definitely not a good day.

bmacmachine / reddit


Knock, knock --- is anyone there?

Knock, knock --- is anyone there?

itstinybutisurecanuseit / imgur

It would be better to start looking for another job ...

It would be better to start looking for another job ...

Unknown author / imgur


When your boss commissions a job for you that he says will take "only an hour or so".

When your boss commissions a job for you that he says will take "only an hour or so".

SoDoneWithYourShite / imgur

How being in a hurry can cause you to make a huge mistake ...

How being in a hurry can cause you to make a huge mistake ...

mrgc / imgur


Do we have an orange drink in the fridge?

Do we have an orange drink in the fridge?

pearls4pigs / imgur

This is how I found my trampoline!

This is how I found my trampoline!

Tahomalicious / imgur

A bad, bad day.

A bad, bad day.

mformighty / imgur

The vacuum cleaner decided to disintegrate the carpet.

The vacuum cleaner decided to disintegrate the carpet.

m00npies1 / imgur

No one has yet taken steps to ensure that this tragedy does not repeat itself again ...

No one has yet taken steps to ensure that this tragedy does not repeat itself again ...

MikeHoldrege / imgur

And now what?! ...

And now what?! ...

Dimassamid / imgur

When you find a large metal coupling nut in your ice cream instead of a real nut?!

When you find a large metal coupling nut in your ice cream instead of a real nut?!

wakawaq / imgur
