24 photos that show reality can be much more impressive than a movie!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 24, 2017

24 photos that show reality can be much more impressive than a movie!

We are so accustomed to seeing films and images created or retouched with the use of computer software, that we forget that the world that we live in can be as impressive as any special effects.

Here, we have collected for you 24 suggestive images taken by ordinary people. Some were taken to immortalize natural phenomena, others narrate amazing deeds and others to show us unique and rare creatures.

Scroll through our image gallery and you will certainly be amazed.

1. Who would have the courage?

1. Who would have the courage?



2. An incredible diver ... that deserves applause!

2. An incredible diver ... that deserves applause!


3. A tree struck by lightning

3. A tree struck by lightning


4. Apocalyptic scenario

4. Apocalyptic scenario


5. A fire whirl aka fire tornado ... a rare and terrifying sight!

5. A fire whirl aka fire tornado ... a rare and terrifying sight!



6. It looks like an alien, but it's actually a mushroom!

6. It looks like an alien, but it's actually a mushroom!


7. Monsters do not exist only in science fiction!

7. Monsters do not exist only in science fiction!



8. This mass of solidified lava looks like the door to hell ...

8. This mass of solidified lava looks like the door to hell ...


9. An incredible freak accident worthy of the most action-packed movie script!

9. An incredible freak accident worthy of the most action-packed movie script!



10. While camping on the side of a cliff --- "What are you doing?" - "Nothing much, just reading".

10. While camping on the side of a cliff --- "What are you doing?" - "Nothing much, just reading".


11. A hollowed-out tree burns like a natural lantern during a wildfire in Sonoma County, California.

11. A hollowed-out tree burns like a natural lantern during a wildfire in Sonoma County, California.



12. Very poetic ... as long as we let someone else do it!

12. Very poetic ... as long as we let someone else do it!


13. A shark with an unsettling expression

13. A shark with an unsettling expression



14. Maybe someone should have studied the lighting arrangement better ...

14. Maybe someone should have studied the lighting arrangement better ...


15. Here's how to see Venice (Italy) and avoid the crowds of tourists!

15. Here's how to see Venice (Italy) and avoid the crowds of tourists!



16. They wanted to dye the water in the fountain pink to participate in the campaign against breast cancer ... but instead, they created what looks like the scene of a murder!

16. They wanted to dye the water in the fountain pink to participate in the campaign against breast cancer ... but instead, they created what looks like the scene of a murder!


17. There were so many bees inside the wall that honey was coming out of the electric sockets!

17. There were so many bees inside the wall that honey was coming out of the electric sockets!


18. Flying among the clouds is not easy ... there could always be a mountain hidden inside!

18. Flying among the clouds is not easy ... there could always be a mountain hidden inside!


19. Seeing a blazing sunset from above the clouds ... Wow!

19. Seeing a blazing sunset from above the clouds ... Wow!


20. The clouds ... so poetic and yet terrifying at the same time!

20. The clouds ... so poetic and yet terrifying at the same time!


21. What will happen when the girl and the crocodile see each other ?!

21. What will happen when the girl and the crocodile see each other ?!


22. Where is the parachute?!

22. Where is the parachute?!


23. The sperm whales sleep vertically ... did you know that?

23. The sperm whales sleep vertically ... did you know that?


24. The coconut crab really exists. And yes, it is actually as big as it seems!

24. The coconut crab really exists. And yes, it is actually as big as it seems!


Our world is undoubtedly full of all kinds of surprises!
