40 people who were obviously a bit distracted while doing their job!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 29, 2017

40 people who were obviously a bit distracted while doing their job!

As they say, it is really difficult to find the perfect job, the one that is not tiring, the one that ensures enough free time, that is not stressful, and that is also pleasant to do.

Regardless of the work that one does, it is common for everyone to experience a moment of decreased motivation, fatigue and stress, and then it is easy to make mistakes during this period due to the lack of concentration.

Here is a list of the most amusing job errors ever made!

via cafedeclic.com

1. How did this doll's eye end up on her forehead!

1. How did this doll's eye end up on her forehead!

2. The engineer who supervised this bridge job is really in big trouble!

2. The engineer who supervised this bridge job is really in big trouble!

3. Obviously, someone drank more than a few beers before installing this pedestrian crossing light.

3. Obviously, someone drank more than a few beers before installing this pedestrian crossing light.

4. This door will remain forever open (or closed forever).

4. This door will remain forever open (or closed forever).

5. Impossible to turn off!

5. Impossible to turn off!

6. How should this cup be held?

6. How should this cup be held?

7. Look closely....what is wrong with this picture?!

7. Look closely....what is wrong with this picture?!

8. This parking space for the disabled is really badly designated...

8. This parking space for the disabled is really badly designated...

9. Closing a door has never been so difficult.

9. Closing a door has never been so difficult.

10. The worst place to install a projector (or a fan).

10. The worst place to install a projector (or a fan).

11. A ramp for those who are not disabled.

11. A ramp for those who are not disabled.

12. What is dangerous is the person who put this sign upside down!

12. What is dangerous is the person who put this sign upside down!

13. A bike or jogging path with ... obstacles.

13. A bike or jogging path with ... obstacles.

14. A chemical bath for two....very cozy!

14. A chemical bath for two....very cozy!

15. Car parking spaces that cannot be used.

15. Car parking spaces that cannot be used.

16. Strawberries that can become grapes.

16. Strawberries that can become grapes.

17. When the tomatoes in the can are transformed into peaches in syrup!

17. When the tomatoes in the can are transformed into peaches in syrup!

18. A highly-visible advertising banner --- too bad it is very hard to read!

18. A highly-visible advertising banner --- too bad it is very hard to read!

19. Asia?

19. Asia?

20. A worker who was clearly very lazy ...

20. A worker who was clearly very lazy ...

21. Who was the evil villain who did this?

21. Who was the evil villain who did this?

22. Chocolate lovers would find no fault with this error ...

22. Chocolate lovers would find no fault with this error ...

23. A helter-skelter pedestrian crossing.

23. A helter-skelter pedestrian crossing.

24. An obvious design fail.

24. An obvious design fail.

25. Goodbye privacy!

25. Goodbye privacy!

26. The stairs descend but the handrail ascends ...

26. The stairs descend but the handrail ascends ...

28. A green pedestrian crossing?!

28. A green pedestrian crossing?!

29. Why have they installed a stop sign on this road?

29. Why have they installed a stop sign on this road?

30. A window with a view on nothing.

30. A window with a view on nothing.

31. Front row seats with a panoramic wall view.

31. Front row seats with a panoramic wall view.

31. When a tiler wants to take revenge on the customer.

31. When a tiler wants to take revenge on the customer.

32. It would be easier to tell time watching the movement of the Sun!

32. It would be easier to tell time watching the movement of the Sun!

33. This car parking lot always has available parking spaces --- who knows why!

33. This car parking lot always has available parking spaces --- who knows why!

34. This poor unicorn has its horn in the wrong place!

34. This poor unicorn has its horn in the wrong place!

35. Flip-flops for the fall and winter!?

35. Flip-flops for the fall and winter!?

36. Indecision.

36. Indecision.

37. Unclear and confusing indications.

37. Unclear and confusing indications.

38. This is practically a one-way bicycle lane.

38. This is practically a one-way bicycle lane.

39. Here we see that mathematics is just an opinion.

39. Here we see that mathematics is just an opinion.

40. Could it be that someone forgot to open the packs and fill the candy machine?

40. Could it be that someone forgot to open the packs and fill the candy machine?