7 remedies to which Indian women recur to have strong and shiny hair

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 05, 2018

7 remedies to which Indian women recur to have strong and shiny hair

In almost every culture in the world, hair is something that is strongly linked to sexuality and aesthetic beauty.

In India, for example, women are the bearers of the energy of the divinity Shakti and it is precisely through the movement of long hair that this energy can be transmitted.

It is no coincidence, then, that the women of this country have demonstrated over the centuries that they always pay particular attention to this part of their body. Accordingly, they are always very informed about the best ways to take excellent care of their hair.

1. Aloe vera 7 remedies to which Indian women recur to have strong and shiny hair La frase social qui In quasi tutte le culture del mondo, la capigliatura è qualcosa di fortemente legato alla sessualità e alla bellezza estetica. In quella indiana, ad esempio, la donna è portatrice dell'energia della divi

1. Aloe vera
7 remedies to which Indian women recur to have strong and shiny hair
La frase social qui
In quasi tutte le culture del mondo, la capigliatura è qualcosa di fortemente legato alla sessualità e alla bellezza estetica.
In quella indiana, ad esempio, la donna è portatrice dell'energia della divi

Flickr/Ruth Hartnup (CC BY 2.0)

Aloe vera juice not only stimulates hair growth, but it also helps to take care of the scalp. Just get some aloe leaves, break them in order to let the juice flow out and rub it on the hair. If you leave it on for at least two hours, your hair will be visibly stronger after a few applications.


2. Panthenol mask

2. Panthenol mask


D-panthenol is a synthetic vitamin B5 which, once in contact with the skin, is transformed into a normalizing agent of the conditions of the epidermis. Among its most important properties, we must take into account that it is a panacea against hair loss. Just wash your hair as usual, apply this portentous vitamin, and then rinse.

3. Take advantage of the beneficial properties of cold water

3. Take advantage of the beneficial properties of cold water


After a shower, it is good to rinse the scalp under a jet of cold water. Cold water closes the pores and helps blood circulation, thus contributing to the rapid growth of hair. All you have to do is turn this into a habit a further wash / rinse your hair with cold water.

4. Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar

4. Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar


5. Make a hair mask with egg whites for stronger hair

5. Make a hair mask with egg whites for stronger hair



6. Make another mask based on eggs (this time use the whole egg) and cognac

6. Make another mask based on eggs (this time use the whole egg) and cognac


7. Make use of essential oils

7. Make use of essential oils


Indispensable for hair care are essential oils such as Jojoba oil, lavender, rosemary, almond, and thyme. In fact, all these oils are able to provide a beneficial effect, giving hair the right mix of vitamins and herbal components.
